Drawing and painting, regardless of your child’s talents, is something that Intellichildren encourages. There is no right or wrong way to draw, only the pleasure of making splashes of color and something pleasing to the children. The point is not to create artists, but to allow children to express their thoughts and feelings through art. Drawing is closely connected to writing and literacy development and is an important aspect of child development. When a child draws, they develop hand coordination and required for writing. As children try to represent their world and imagination in their drawings, it becomes a method of visual thinking and communication. Moreover, as children explain their drawings they develop their vocabulary and verbal skills. Labeling drawings or writing about them can help practice and improve writing skills. Thus, drawing with preschoolers and providing opportunities to draw can be a great way to promote the development of all these skills.
Materials are age appropriate
At Intellichildren we make sure that the art experiences are fun and engaging. The materials we are are widely varied in order to give the children different textures, shapes, colors, sizes and ways to create art. The materials are always safe and well supervised, so that there are no choking hazards or exposure to materials that may cause allergies. There are only safe and appropriate tools. Whenever possible, we use all natural materials to make sure that everyone is safe.
Drawing and Art helps in all sorts of ways
In addition to the small motor skills that come with doing art projects, there are skills developed for attention span, pre-reading skills, creativity, appreciation of color, basic math skills, and many other important elements of growth for our young artists. We tie our art to other events, to story reading, as well as to general play. Everything is done for fun, but the learning happens without the children realizing it.
All of our teachers use art as one of the ways to keep children engaged in the classroom without forcing them to sit still when they are naturally moving and grooving. Our teachers are ready to discuss your child’s progress at any time.